Tragedy in Kamloops


Message from the Indigenous team of CUPE 947 

Good morning CUPE 947 members.

There are no words to describe the tragedy that was uncovered in Kamloops on Thursday May the 27th 2021.

215 children became the truth and the teachers of the residential school experience. 

We are reaching out to you to ask that you be gentle with yourselves and others at this time. Rebecca McCool our Indigenous executive member and Taily Wills our 2nd vice president will be available to assist you if you need support. We understand this may affect people in different ways. Be well, take care of yourself and others. Some staff will be wearing orange shirts this Monday to honour these children, you are welcomed to do the same.

CUPE 947 Indigenous team. 

• Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Website – • Indian Residential School Survivors Society – 24 Hour Crisis Line (1-800-721-0066) • KUU-US Crisis Line Society – 24 Hour Crisis Line (British Columbia) (1-800-588-8717) • National Indian Residential School Crisis Line (1-800-925-4419) • Métis Nation BC – Mental Health Services • First Nations Health Authority – Mental Health Benefit 

Rebecca McCool  250 896-0053

Taily Wills 250 383-6176