Welcome to CUPE 947

People depend on Public Education;
Public Education depends on People to deliver it.

Welcome to the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 947 website. CUPE 947 represents over 800 support staff working for the Greater Victoria School District. Our local represents members who work as Educational Assistants, Clerical, Information Technology, Audio-Visual, Transportation and Facility Rentals.

Our members provide services that assist in providing a quality education for approximately 19,000 students in 27 Elementary Schools, 10 Middle Schools, and 7 Secondary Schools.  We also provide support services in other locations throughout the district.

Our website will bring you current information and contacts for your executive. Please feel free to connect with us as we work together to make the Greater Victoria School District a safe, supportive, work-site for all our members.

Also check out our Facebook page to keep up to date with our Local.

Check out our News Page for updated bargaining information, events happening for our members, and world news/events that impact us as educators.